Monday, September 1, 2008

Searching for Political Truth....

Picture the intensity on Tom Cruise's face when he & Jack Nicholson square off during the infamous courtroom scene of "A Few Good Men". Cruise's character demands "I want the truth" to which Nicholson defiantly retorts "You can't handle the truth" Right up until the next few scenes of the movie when Jack finally takes the bait and practically spits the words "Your damn right I ordered the code red", definitive truth has not yet been revealed and threatens not to be accounted for. Even more sadly is the definition and consequences of this truth is defined differently by many characters in the courtroom. The conclusion however leaves the audience no doubt as to what the truth is and the necessity for closure with accountability.

As the title of this blog reveals, truth is definitive, it can and should be qualified and most importantly must be sought. Spin doctoring truth is being practiced by all sides of religious, political, social, scientific, educational and entertainment spectrum's in order to promote subjective conclusions rather than objective analysis. Just like a court of law, truth at times may need to be tried and argued for, but in the end it is absolute.

Observing the political tactics in the upcoming US presidential election, one can easily conclude the battle strategies are creating the headline rather than investing in content. The more headlines galvanized, the more battles won. The more battles won will hopefully lead to an election victory. Sadly the costs of these battles are rarely accounted for before firing the weapons of words delivered by all political parties and the media. Lies, dishonesty and bias have become not only the norm in our society but has slithered it's way as acceptable behavior.

The wages of our current political elections are leaving individual character lying wounded on the front pages of newspapers, integrity is being dragged down by television network executives and responsibility is threatened by lawyers looming in dark and secret crevices. I will always remain optimistic about America's resolve, ingenuity and fortitude but the concern that our senses are slowly becoming dulled by the constant bombardment of appeasement is very real. Our individual and collective freedoms are precious and most certainly that of speech. Although freedom of speech opposes regulation, we still have a responsibility to the preservation of definitive truth....even in a political election.

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