Monday, September 27, 2010

The Resurrection of the American Pulpit in American Politics

We are experiencing a strange but powerful political phenomena across this nation today, one that now appears to be making it's way into churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. Political dialogue is beginning to take root in many houses of worship with ministers speaking boldly on the mandatory significance of character, morality and integrity amongst other items that should enter into the decision making process of the voter. They are encouraging members to examine where the politicians stand and how they voted on topics such as balancing budgets, debt, job creation, taxes, government funded abortions, nationalized health care and education.

Given the state of the nation today primarily as it relates to our social and economic failures, the church is deciding it can no longer sit idly by without voicing their opposition to injustice.  They are encouraging their congregations to become engaged in local, state and federal politics. Many religious leaders, church elders and ministers are participating in political rallies and grass roots efforts to mobilize and educate voters.

Ironically it is a new take on the movie "Back to the Future" that is appearing on the streets of America today. Rather than focusing on a single family such as the McFly's, this plot is centered around the direction of a nation. Jump into the Delorean time machine back to Scrooby, England in the early 1600's and witness the birth of the Separatist Movement which later led to the first great American history book: "Of Plymouth Plantation" by William Bradford. The pilgrims traveled with diligence, hard labor, pain and enormous personal sacrifices to plant our foundation. These were Godly and zealous people that fought for religious freedom from intolerance.  They did so by applying Biblical truths to civil affairs as witnessed in the signing of "The Mayflower Compact"

Punch the Delorean time clock to 1740-1760 for an eyewitness account of America's "Great Awakening" period.  During this time line, historical accounts and biographies affirm that the spirit of God swept mightily through the colonies. Whole towns began to dedicate themselves to God. Benjamin Franklin wrote of this period by stating: "It seemed as though all the world were growing religious, so no one could not walk thro' the town in an evening without hearing psalms sung in different families of every street"

This proved to be the foundational education leading up to the American Revolution for many, including John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Time and space does not permit for the thousands of examples the clergy played in the cultivation of Christian ideas pertaining to liberty of these United States.

But perhaps it can be best summed up by the research of Dr Donald Lutz, a professor of science from the University of Houston. He conducted a 10 year study, analyzing about 15,000 POLITICAL DOCUMENTS of the Founder's Era (1760-1805). This list of 3,154 citations was analyzed and published in Volume #78 of The American Political Science Review in 1983. By far the most popular source of their political ideas was the Bible, accounting for 1/3 of all their citations. Another 60% of all references can be attributed to authors which themselves derived their ideas from the Bible.  Therefore it can be said with certainty that 94% of our constitutional principles,mandates and concepts are based directly or indirectly on the Bible.  Lutz later did a study from 76 of the most representative pamphlets and essays written by our founders.  In these 76 essays, "virtue" is emphasized as vital over 300 times!

Religion continued to play a significant role in the education of the early presidents, vice-presidents, supreme court justices, members of congress and many others.  Considered by many to be our greatest president and divinely guided, Abraham Lincoln wrote "The only assurance of our nation's safety is to lay our foundation in morality and religion"  Before that in 1845, Andrew Jackson wrote "The Bible is the rock on which our republic rests"

Throughout our history up through the better part of the 20th century, we looked with confidence and reliance upon the clergy, the church and it's teachings.  A modern day example would be Billy Grahams work not only throughout the world but with personalized counseling with many American presidents, political and judicial leaders as well as business giants.  Unfortunately he was but a small sampling where there once was many.

But as we steer the Delorean back to modern day America, the church is once again on the rise.  Perhaps no greater single example can be made lately then what happened on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial this past August 28th.  Over a half million people gathered in Washington to pray, worship, repent and seek the mercy and compassion of God on behalf of America.  There was no mention of politics but rather a call to the restoration of honor by instilling the virtues of faith, hope and charity.  In addition, men and women who exemplified these traits in their lives were publicly recognized and honored.

Nearing the conclusion of the day's schedule, 240 ministers, rabbi's, priests, imams, and other assorted clergy representing various religions and church denominations banded together locking arm in arm, recalling the birth of The Black Robe Regiment in the late 1700's.   
The Black Robe Regiment arose from the pulpits across the colonies during the Revolutionary War. The movement had its beginnings with Reverend Peter Muhlenberg in 1776.  Upon concluding his Sunday sermon on the book of Ecclesiastes, declaring "In the language of the holy writ, there was a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time is now coming!" Muhlenberg then removed his black robe reveling a full military uniform. Marching to the rear of his church he declared "Who among you is with me? On that day 300 men from his congregation stood up and joined Muhlenberg in the fight for liberty.  This group went on to become the 8th Virginia Brigade fighting for liberty.

Although this group of modern day clergy held many different beliefs as it pertains to their respective religions, these courageous men and women recognized the importance of the guiding principles of a man's character is something this nation is lacking, particularly in Washington. Faith, Hope and Charity are quantifiable truths that when implemented, will lead to the restoration of honor. These are fundamental golden rules of life that everyone could agree on. This display of unified independence was a vow before God and man they would no longer be silenced, they would fight and speak truth into the culture of today, regardless of the circumstances.

Not surprisingly, the reaction of the political left and media is looking to combat this with flailing accusations of hatred, racisim and backwards thinking.  Then there are the fringe left extremist jumping up and down screaming "Separation of Church and State, Separation of Church and State"  Of course if they had read the constitution as they often claim being in the 1st amendment, they would clearly see it is not and never was in any of our founding documents.

When they look up the history and it's foundation from a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist Church in Danbury, CT, they usually become further incensed upon learning Jefferson was responding to their concerns of a possible National Religion such as the one they fought to be free of: "The Church of England"  Jefferson assured them through separation of church and state, all states are free to pursue their own religions and church affiliation without fear of government reprisal.

Beginning in 1947, the secular and progressive courts began to pick away at this by either omitting Jefferson's words or conveniently editing select passages in order to systematically begin man's legal removal of God and prayer from public, government and judicial institutions.  I personally find it to be no coincidence that the beginning of our slow demise in every facet of our lives began in 1962 after the removal of prayers from public schools

The stage is now set for the latest gauntlet throw down to the progressives and secularlists.  At least 100, and perhaps as many as several hundred Christian pastors on Sunday September 26th spoke out on biblical issues and the political candidates concerning the November election in direct violation of Internal Revenue Service regulations. They are now packaging up recordings or transcripts of their sermons and sending them to the IRS, with a dare to the government agency to come after them for their comments.

This Pulpit Freedom Sunday is part of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) Pulpit Initiative, which is set up to secure First Amendment rights of pastors in the pulpit.

The essence of the program is to create a challenge to the IRS rules adopted in 1954 at the behest of then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson that prohibit any speech from a church pulpit favoring or opposing a political candidate. The rules were adopted after Johnson found himself bearing the brunt of critical comments from Christian pastors concerned about his behavior in Washington. Before then, according to the ADF, pastors spoke freely from their pulpits even about specific candidates, issues and elections.

"The IRS should not be used as a political tool to advance the agenda of radical groups bent on silencing the voice of the church and inhibiting religious freedom," Erik Stanley, also a senior counsel for the ADF, said. "It is ironic that a group with a name like 'Americans United for Separation of Church and State' continues to exploit a scheme of massive government monitoring and surveillance of churches."

Rather than risk confrontation, many pastors have self-censored their speech, afraid to apply the teachings of Scripture to specific candidates or elections. The participants in Pulpit Freedom Sunday 2010 are taking a stand against being intimidated into sacrificing their First Amendment rights and now they have the support of the majority of rational thinking Americans.  Pastors and the church have the absolute right to freedom of speech despite the progressive attempts to censor them.  

Incidentally, there were reported to be thousands of other clergy in the crowds in support of the Black Robe Regiment but only 240 were bought on stage to signify it's resurrection after 240 years.  It was estimated that all numbers in terms of church membership of those that were represented on the Washington mall that day came to approximately 150 million people!

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord.
'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

America is two hundred and thirty four years old. Our democracy has thrived longer than any government in history aside from certain generational monarchy's, yet we remain the most powerful, influential and compassionate country in the world but yet we are still one of it's youngest nations. Most types of governments hardly last a generation with few exceptions.

Our incredible success speaks volumes to the wisdom and heart of the founding fathers along with the courageous men, women and children that stood by their side.  They acknowledged if the great American experiment had a chance to succeed, it's foundation MUST be rooted in the love of Heaven, abiding in His instructions.

"Only be strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded you: don't turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate thereon day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success"

Joshua 1:7-8