The fastest increasing quantity on the planet today is the amount of information we are generating. The matter one absorbs from this data will more often than not impact a personal choice or decision. Apparently the majority of the American press and media executives do not trust the citizens with accurate political knowledge, thereby earning the right to impose their bias by filtering the digital messages on how a story will be framed or simply omitted.
Freedom of the press was once a fundamental core to our democracy. This mandate stipulates that "A press that is free to investigate and criticize the government is absolutely essential in a nation that practices self government and is therefore dependent on an educated and enlightened citizenry"
Although Thomas Jefferson was often hammered by the press in his presidency, he still wrote the following to Lafayette in 1823:
"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary to keep the waters pure"
I wonder how Thomas and the boys would behave in the age of the digital download? Consider the plight of Joe the plumber after candidate Obama solicited votes in his neighborhood. Unfortunately for Joe he had the audacity of hope to question the accuracy of the economic numbers being promoted. An open microphone inadvertently leaks the now infamous quote "Hey, I just want to take some money and spread the wealth around"
Within 48 hours the state of Ohio's government authorizes an investigation into Joe while leaking all of his business and personal information for front page news across the country. Reporters and lawyers were literally pilfering through his garbage cans for the despicable motivation of discrediting, humiliating and ultimately destroying a man for asking a question. A query that without fail should have been sought by someone in the press.
While we will obviously will never know, my thinking is the revolutionary boys from the class of 1776 might take some of their muskets and shove into the scores of low life corrupt government officials along with their counterparts in the media that participated in this charade.
No matter which party affiliation you are aligned with, everyone who has a modicum of objectivity recognizes there is a cover up now in the press of which has never been seen before. You can't play little league in the U.S. without a birth certificate but now you can sit in the oval office without one? Lou Dobbs merely suggested this was a legitimate question that should be addressed. For this he was run off his job with CNN after serving as anchor with the company since it's inception in 1980. Naturally this was accompanied with chants of birther or racist and than followed up with gun shots into his home in NJ...but need for concern here folks...just move along please.... just keep moving along....that's right folks, no news here...just keep moving....
We have recently witnessed one of the most outrageous federal money laundering schemes exposed with the brave assistance of two novice film students. They went undercover in various ACORN offices while documenting their accounts on video, but yet received such little media attention. When Charlie Gibson was asked on radio why as anchor of ABC News he was not reporting the story, his pathetic excuse was "I was unaware of it, probably just something for those cable news outlets"
NEWS FLASH ABC NEWS > The revelation of attempting to knowingly work with child prostitution schemes, VOTER REGISTRATION FRAUD, wrongful filing for financial assistance, playing multi million dollar shell games with over THREE HUNDRED non for profit companies under the government funded front called ACORN, eventually proved to large to hide. An FBI investigation forced it to close down their doors. But fear not ABC, ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis declared they will be back but this time under new company names. Now that Diane Sawyer is in charge of Disney's corporate news division, I am sure things will change.....
There are countless stories and questions surrounding this administration, members of congress and corruption on the state and local levels. The egregious acts here is the complicity of the press to only cover violations on the right while attempting to squash or bury those on the left.
How can you possibly NOT REPORT or cover up over ONE MILLION people PEACEFULLY protesting the actions of this administration in front of the white house last September 12th???
Yet when 9 members of Code Pink were voicing their disapproval of the Bush administration on the steps of the capitol, the editor of the NY times considers this to be a worthy lead story for the cover of the newspaper???
The fight for valid political analysis can certainly be covered in editorials or opinion formatted programs: but don't you think attempting to dupe the public because you can't trust the common folks with their votes is an abuse of power?
By this very definition, the press and media are now failing their country....