While riding congress down the home stretch leading to the vote on Obamacare, the administration reached a sudden bucking from it's own mule that threatened to derail the party from crossing the finish line. After close to a year of battling America to pass legislation the country was overwhelmingly opposed to, the end was clearly in sight. This cleverly disguised marketing campaign was now threatening to come to a halt once again from within it's own ranks. Had they not bribed every necessary senator, congress man or woman, pharmaceutical company, corporation and special interest group along with all of the trial lawyers for their votes? They did so with hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars, what now? what more could they want?
Once again, the decision to give life or take it comes to the forefront. Oh no!!!....not that word again, no...not....ABORTION!
Remember congressman Stupak and a small group of colleagues insisted that no government funding of abortion be provided for in this legislation?
Well sure....the administration recalled that. Months before they sent out their two most prominent Catholics to address the clergy: John Kerry & Nancy Pelosi, reminding ministers of the Gospel that Obamacare was a MORAL obligation now. Therefore they should preach this from their pulpits. As if this was not pathetic enough to watch and listen to, strangely enough the mimes of the left did not cite any foul from crossing the boundaries from "Separation of Church and State"? After all, this has been one of their favorite themes when attacking anyone on the right for merely mentioning God in the same sentence as society or political law
Personally I chuckle at the obvious contradictions since the liberals have always falsely argued separation of church and state. They will never discuss it's origin from Thomas Jefferson in 1802 along with it's intent. For a century and a half the courts correctly interpreted Jefferson's phrase as a mandate to protect Christian expressions in the public square. This has been twisted in recent years by the left to be a judicially-enforced policy of public secularism.
Back to Nancy, John and morality. Apparently their efforts were squashed by the leaders of the Catholic church. At one point last year, Nancy even visited the Vatican for a an attempted PR photo session with the Pope but he quickly dismissed the San Francisco congresswoman from such a distasteful ploy. The other two hi-profile political Catholics: Joe Biden and Congressman Kennedy had already been publicly chided by the bishops for support of abortion since this flies in direct contradiction to the FUNDAMENTAL teachings of the church.
Gallup polls released the majority of Americans are pro-life by a 9% differential. Clearly the pressure was mounting, everyone knows the abortion business is big money for "Planned Parenthood" and they are clearly in the democrats pockets. Mr Obama steps out with a bold move when addressing the concerns of government funded abortions. On radio, he issues the following:
"There are some folks out there who are BEARING FALSE WITNESS (notice the smooth adaptation to church language), but I want everyone to know government funding of abortion is not true. These are all fabrications that have been put out there to discourage people from meeting what I consider a core ETHICAL and MORAL OBLIGATION"
There...that should settle it once and for all. Fast forward to Mr Bart Stupack, who insists Mr Obama's word is not good enough. After all, I think he and the rest of the country heard Nancy address a group of progressives beforehand saying "We NEED to sign the bill in order to find out what is ACTUALLY in the BILL" Of course with logic like this coming from the house congressional leader, why should America be suspicious of ulterior motives?
OK, Bart...OK...I get it responds Mr Obama. I will sign a congressional order and put it in writing but only on the condition that no one in the press is allowed in at this signing. Finally the mule stops bucking, the order is in writing with Mr Obama's signature and they cross the finish line as the finger slides past the nose, directly reminiscent of Newman and Redford in "The Sting"
Recently house minority leader John Boehner writes a letter to Human Health and Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Mr Obama asking how is the new law protecting use of government funds for abortion going to be enforced? Now call me cynical but is this the same former governor Kathleen Sebelius from Kansas? the only remaining state to leagalize late term abortions? Gee that's funny, several weeks go by with either party responding
Oh now I understand....you see last week we come to find out the state of Pennsylvania is getting $160 MILLION DOLLARS from FEDERALLY FUNDED US TAXPAYERS for a new hi risk government insurance pool to cover ANY LEGAL ABORTION.... with New Mexico coming in next at $37 MILLION DOLLARS including ELECTIVE ABORTIONS!!!
Consider this is only the first two states that we know of, do you really think many others are not right behind them?....and so the new stage of federal money laundering is now in play...but now we are using children's lives with it!
Perhaps those "BEARING FALSE WITNESS" words from Mr Obama along with "ETHICAL and MORAL OBLIGATION" were somehow misconstrued?
The atrocity of taking a child's life with barbaric and foreign instruments at any stage of pregnancy is clearly one of the most heinous acts mankind has displayed, but now this administration and congress are making it even easier to do so. As a nation, we are reaching the lowest stages of character known in our history. We have sunk to such despair, we are now murdering innocent children for power, money and votes.
The word of God teaches us about Him, ourselves and the relationship between us. In this, the Lord clearly states "I knew you BEFORE you were in your mothers womb" Elsewhere he reveals that "For I know the plans I am planning for you declares the Lord, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and an expectancy"
The birth of a child is an absolute miracle. The security of the womb should never be breached. Our founding documents declare that our rights come from God and not from the government. We have no right to take that child's life but we have every obligation to defend their right to live it
While parts of society attempt to hide behind the guise of "It's a woman's choice", in their heart of hearts everyone inherently knows that abortion is murder. They also know it is wrong. These children are precious in God's sight...and always should be in ours as well.
I hope as a nation we continue to press in, pray and hold our politicians and leaders accountable to their word....and their signature. A child's future now depends on it more than ever!