As expected, the white house adheres to the demands of the socialist elite by re-writing American military rules of engagement with prisoners of war. I find it hard to conceive of things more pathetic than suits in Washington government and New York media outlets claiming the moral high ground concerning torture. Have they listened to themselves lately? The hypocrisy emanating from these individuals can only be professionally diagnosed as political alzheimer's disease.
Before offering these cynics some ginko biloba, let me mention one of the only three prisoners that were so abused in Guantanamo. His name is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, you may remember seeing his disheveled face on the news after the American military captured him during a secret raid in Pakistan. Not only was he one of Osama Bin Laden's closest aides, he was the one that created the plan and supervised the training of four kamikaze airplane attacks on 9/11. If this threat was not sufficient; consider his role in orchestrating the first world trade bombings in 1993, the US embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya in '98 and the suicide boat ramming of the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000. These examples are but only a few, all in all there are 31 different scenarios he admitted to participating in around the globe as reported during his trial and in the 9/11 commission report. Conservative estimates are this one man is responsible for approximately 30,000 murders. That would place him in the company of Hitler, Stalin or Idi Amin as one of the most brutal and evil men in the history of civilization.
Think of the outrage that the U.S. might have the audacity to use sensory deprivation, prolonged isolation, nakedness, stressful positions or simulated drowning, i.e., water boarding in order to obtain possible future plans of terrorism! Excuse me if I might want to vomit on the ACLU or the National Lawyers Guild over their self indulged grandstanding. While Nancy Pelosi suddenly falls prey to amnesia, fortunately CIA Director and Democrat Leon Panetta along with Republican Dick Cheney have a sack and won't cower in front of these hacks.
Where were the protests from the Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International when this same man slowly beheaded reporter Daniel Pearl? He even bragged about this barbarous act and pointed us to watch the filming on Arabic web sites as he carried around and displayed the man's head. Somehow I did not learn of offers of assistance to Mrs Pearl to advocate on her behalf from The International Red Cross or the Human Rights Watch?
Debate and inquiry into what constitutionalizes torture while asking if it should be used is legitimate. However, we should never publicly play Monday morning quarterback while at war for the sake of political appeasement; especially when lives may be at stake. In order to satisfy a very small quadrant of vocal liberals, this administration along with congress continue to take steps reminiscent of undisciplined school children.
First comes the debacle of presidential orders to close Guantanamo with no plan on how to make this transition happen. Follow this up by attempting to prosecute members of the CIA for using pre-approved enhanced interrogation techniques. Having been publicly and verbally chided for even attempting such lunacy, they turn their venom towards the lawyers who wrote the laws for the military. If they continue at this pace, they may have a new script idea which can be pitched to Hollywood in an attempt to bring back "Ally McBeal"
Torture is having battery cables connected to one's personal areas, being placed in a stressful position which causes bones to break or limbs to pop, pliers to fingers, removal of teeth or hammers to toes. These are history's examples of wartime interrogation so pardon me if I don't buy the garbage being sold that we are instigating more violence rather than perpetuating peace. Like it or not, radical Islam declared Jihad on America and the west in 1979 with the Islamic revolution in Iran. The cause was catapulted to victory on the battlefield by holding and torturing 52 American hostages for 444 days. This was thanks in large part due to the gross negligence and naively passive policies of the Carter administration.
We must always remember history in order to prevent history from repeating itself. Make no mistake, the recent history of the jihadist memory also includes the bombings of the US marine barracks in Beirut, victory over the Soviet super power in Afghanistan along with Mogadishu, Somalia and Black Hawk Down. They also include the coordinated Madrid train explosions in '04, the 7 London transportation system bombings in '05 and the most recent 78 murders suffered in Mumbai this past November. Thankfully our military uses the same instances to learn from but it is unforgivable that our politicians quickly forget them.
While this may be an old cliche, it still rings true today; "War is Hell"...and I might also add listening to politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin or John Murthow should be considered war.